Mapping Litterature on digital media and well-being
EU Vigie Project
Litterature overview
This map has been generated from the analysis of 20.933 documents extracted from the Web of Science through the fusion of the following query results :
AB= (("social media platforms" OR "online communication" OR "Digital Media" OR "social media" OR "social networking site" OR "online social networks" OR "facebook" OR twitter OR "recommender systems" OR "screen time" OR "augmented reality" OR "virtual reality" OR "smartphone")
associated with an AND operator to one of the following parts :
("digital natives" OR "digital heritage" OR "cultural diversity" OR minorities OR LGBT OR "community support"))
("quantified self" OR "self-reporting" OR "health app" OR "tracking" OR "periods" OR fertility OR "health data" OR "sentitive data" OR "protected data" OR "confidential information"))
("policy advocacy" OR "human rights" OR "sex workers" OR "sex rights" OR privacy OR "fair conditions" OR "digital labour" OR "virtual work" OR "online education"))
("digital enclosure" OR "echo chamber" OR "filter buble" OR "exclusion" OR "digital commons" OR "peer production" OR "platform cooperativism"))
("social justice" OR "political participation" OR "e-democracy" OR "access to information" OR "access to knowledge" OR "open data" OR "inclusivity" OR "open governance" OR "open governement" OR "open access" OR "open science" OR "decision fairness" OR "black box" OR "critical media" OR "digital capitalism" OR "cryptography" OR "human centric" OR "citizen centric" OR "employment" OR "freedom of speech" OR "surveillance" OR "ethics" OR "media regulation"))
(“socio-cognitive” OR “technical systems” OR “technical norms” OR “design for values” OR “group beliefs” OR “collective intentions” OR “deception” OR “trust”)) OR (“artificial intelligence” AND ethics))